First Aid Only Isobutane / Propane Skin Refrigerant, 4-ounce Spray CanTopical skin refrigerant uses isobutane and propane to draw heat away from burns, resulting in less swelling and painIt deadens...
Koolit 600 Series Cold PackKoolit gel packs provide reliable, non-mechanical refrigeration for the safe transport of food products, pharmaceuticals and other medical products: They are an economical...
Medi-First Cold Spray Skin Refrigerant, 4 oz.Combination of isobutane, N-Butane and propane cools the skin, reduces swelling, and helps relieve pain associated with strains, sprains, and muscle...
United Ad Biohazard "Do Not Store Food or Drink in This Refrigerator and/or Freezer" Magnetic SignComply with OSHA regulations by placing this warning magnetic sign on all refrigerators and freezers...
Uline Refrigerant Gel Pack, 3/4 x 4 x 5-1/2 InchKeep refrigerant gel pack in freezer for at least 72 hours before using, to ensure it is frozen solidSolid when frozen, not flexibleGel is non-toxic,...
Temp-Chex® Red Spirit Refrigerator ThermometerProbe in a vial of propylene glycol creates a temperature buffer, preventing fluctuations and inaccurate readingsIndividually serial-numbered and NIST...