QuickVue® Strep A Test Infectious Disease Immunoassay Respiratory Test KitResults within 5 minutesTwo-color results give clear readability and the proven accuracy of QuickVue provides dependable...
LumiraDx SARS-CoV-2 Ag Antigen Detection Respiratory Test KitResults in 12 minutesResults are for the identification of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein antigen; antigen is generally detectable in...
QuStick Strep A Test Infectious Disease Immunoassay Respiratory Test KitQuStick Strep A's ultra-sensitivity means that it requires fewer colonies to yield a positive result: This means that even...
QuickVue® In-Line® Strep A Infectious Disease Immunoassay Respiratory Test KitResults within 5 minutesTwo-color results give you clear readability, and the proven accuracy of the test provides...
Sofia® Strep A FIA Strep A Test Fluorescence Immunoassay (FIA) Respiratory Test KitFast time to results for truly rapid strep testingSelf-contained test cassette: Clean, easy to use and dispose...