Multistix® 10 SG Urinalysis ReagentReagent strips for urinalysis have test areas that changes color according to the ketone and glucose levels in the blood; easier to make follow-ups on changes in...
Uristix® 4 Urinalysis Reagent for Glucose, Leucocytes, Nitrite and Protein testsIncludes testing for a variety of parametersSupplied in lightweight, unbreakable, plastic vialsProvide diagnostically...
Hemastix® Urinalysis Reagent Strips for Bilirubin, Blood, Glucose, Ketone, Leukocytes, Nitrite, pH, Protein, Specific Gravity and Urobilinogen testsUse these urinalysis test strips in general...
Uristix® 4 Urinalysis Reagent for Glucose, Leucocytes, Nitrite and Protein testsIncludes testing for a variety of parametersSupplied in lightweight, unbreakable, plastic vialsProvide diagnostically...
Multistix® 10 SG Urinalysis ReagentReagent strips for urinalysis have test areas that changes color according to the ketone and glucose levels in the blood; easier to make follow-ups on changes in...
Hemastix® Urinalysis Reagent Strips for Bilirubin, Blood, Glucose, Ketone, Leukocytes, Nitrite, pH, Protein, Specific Gravity and Urobilinogen testsUse these urinalysis test strips in general...