Endozime® SLR Instrument Cleaning SpongeSafe for use on all scopes (flexible/rigid) and instrumentsUniquely fitted for all scopes: flexible/rigidRemoves gross contaminants and synthetic lipids...
Endozime Dual Enzymatic Instrument DetergentWill not harm any metals, plastic, rubber or corrugated tubingPerfect for all flexible and rigid scopes, eliminating problems such as clogged channels,...
Endozime® AW Dual Enzymatic Instrument DetergentWill not harm any metals, plastic, rubber or corrugated tubingPerfect for all flexible and rigid scopes, eliminating problems such as clogged channels,...
Endozime AW Plus Multi-Enzymatic Instrument DetergentWill not harm any metals, plastic, rubber or corrugated tubingAdvanced Proteolytic Action - Increased protein enzyme activityBiologically active...
Endozime® SLR Endoscopy Bedside Care KitBegins cleaning on contact, preventing soil from drying on scope surfaces.Removes gross contaminants, including synthetic lipids.# neutral ph, non-abrasive,...
Endozime with APA Multi-Enzymatic Instrument DetergentRemoves all bio-burden and inhibits rustGreatly increases protein enzyme activity to provide a faster more thorough penetration into...