SkiL-Care Activity ApronLargeMultiple hand activities for improved finger dexterity and eye-hand coordinationVariety of activities reduces boredom and increases attention spanHelps in improving...
Posey Activity ApronBright colors and texture variation provide visual and tactile stimulation; threading of shestring and buttoning buttons aids improvement of the motor skillsCenter plastic pocket...
AliMed® Smoker's ApronFireproof cover-upFlame resistant - withstands blow torchApron ties around the neck, around the wheelchair arms, and just below the seat for large coverage areaApron can be...
SkiL-Care Smoker's Apron Full Size StyleVelcro hook and loop chair strapsFlame retardantAdjustable neck strap with D-ringFull sized to cover lap and chest30 W X 32 L inchWARNING: Cancer and...