Vitros FS MicroTip Reagent TipsThese reagent tips are intended for use with Vitros 5, 1 FS analyzersThere are 4,096 reagent tips in a box (there are 128 in a tray and 32 trays in a box)
Vitros® MicroTip ReagentVitros MicroTip technology doesn't require drains, plumbing, fixed probes, or mixing assemblies to perform therapeutic and abused drug testing, specific proteins and...
Vitros® MicroTip ReagentVITROS® MicroTip technology doesn't require drains, plumbing, fixed probes, or mixing assemblies to perform therapeutic and abused drug testing, specific proteins and...
Vitros® MicroTip ReagentVITROS® MicroTip technology doesn't require drains, plumbing, fixed probes, or mixing assemblies to perform therapeutic and abused drug testing, specific proteins and...
Vitros Versatip TipThe Vitros VersaTip is intended for use on Vitros 950/950AT chemistry system, running V3.22 software, Vitros 250/250 chemistry system and Vitros ECi immunodiagnostic systemOne box...